An example of the work that the SMC do... Video by Ian Kelly, Sept 2021

Get Paid to do what you Love!

We are always looking for videographers, photographers, graphic designers/illustrators and writers/contributors.

How It Works

Fill out this short contact form here, and then join our SMC facebook group hereYou must fill out the form before you can join the group.

When there is a job, which could be anything (but might look like: attending one of our night-time events, photographing our elected officers or recording a video update with them, writing about an upcoming campaign, etc.), it will be put up on our facebook group with a request to email if you are interested. It is done on a first-come first serve basis mostly - but we do try and spread out the work as much as possible, especially giving newbies a chance to partake. 

Once you send an email you will be sent a short brief describing the job and how much it pays. All our jobs are paid.



If you don't have much experience, we may ask you to shadow one of our more experienced members for your first assignment. They are all lovely, and many of them started in the same way. Let me know if you have professional experience and what sort of equipment you have. We do have some equipment but for videographers/photographers it is preferable if you have your own.

Writers Always Wanted!

We have a fantastic news & entertainment website that for students, written by students. We are very proud of and we are always look for content, ALWAYS looking for articles!

Themed ones go down especially well - think freshers experiences, freshers week, halloween, christmas, exams, new year, valentines day, exams, accommodation etc. etc. etc. anything that effects may effect the life of a student.